Vertical marquee post title WordPress plugin

This plugin will create the vertical marquee effect in your website, if you want your post title to move vertically (scroll upward or downwards) in the screen use this plugin. We are using the simple marquee tag to move the text vertically

Vertical marquee WordPress plugin

Vertical marquee plugin to make your text scroll upward or downwards. This plugin will work all leading browsers except old Netscape browsers. In this plugin i used simple HTML marquee tag to scroll the plugin and it loads very fast, and it is pure HTML so no java script required.

Scroll post excerpt WordPress plugin

Scroll post excerpt WordPress plugin will create the information reel on the website, this scroller contains the post title and post excerpt. it will scroll like a reel. In my Information Reel plugin, we have a separate page to enter the scrolling content, this plugin automatically retrieves the post title and excerpt into a scroll. […]

wordpress plugin vertical scrolling images slideshow video tutorial

Image vertical reel scroll slideshow wordpress plugin will create the vertical scroll slideshow on the website. This will create the slideshow like reel. The images will scroll one by one from bottom to top. Each slide can be optionally hyper linked; also we can configure the order of the images and hyper-linked target option (i.e. […]

Vertical scroll slideshow gallery v2 WordPress plugin

The vertical scroll slideshow gallery plugin will create the vertical scrolling image slideshow gallery on your WordPress. Images will scroll one by one on the front page. The plugin shows only one image at a time and scrolls the remaining one by one. Vertical scroll plugin features Simple installation and configuration. Thus, no coding required. […]

Vertical carousel slideshow

Vertical carousel slideshow WordPress plugin is a good DHTML JavaScript script plugin for the showcasing of images on your site. It displays images in a 3D, carousel fashion. The script is originally taken from dynamic drive website via Google search. Features of this plugin Slideshow can be set to either slide in from top to […]

Vertical scroll recent comments WordPress plugin

This plugin will scroll the recent post comment vertically (bottom to top) in the widget. This is the best and stylish way to show the recent comments to user. We have option to show avatar images along with comments.

Announcement and vertical scroll news

Announcement and vertical scroll news plugin will create a vertical news scroller into your wordpress website, we can embed this in to site sidebar. This plugin uses JavaScript to do this scroll.