YouTube with fancy zoom is a jQuery-based fancy zoom WordPress plugin. This will create a YouTube video gallery on your website. This plugin retrieve one random video from the video list. In the administrator section, we have a separate video management page to insert the videos. We can add many videos in the admin and it will show only one random video in the front end. Shortcode is available to add the video to the pages and posts.
What is jQuery based fancy zoom? Fancy zoom is a simple, modest script used to overlay video on the current page. click and see the demo you will get understand.
Features of this plugin
- Simple to use.
- Fancy zoom effect for you tube videos.
- We can use this in a widget, page & post.
- Random video on widget.
- Easy styles override using css.
Plugin live demo available in this page. You may also be interested in Random image gallery with fancy zoom WordPress plugin.
YouTube with fancy zoom
Installation instruction
Method 1
- Download the plugin from download link.
- Unpack the file.
- Extract the /youtube-with-fancy-zoom/ folder.
- Drop the youtube with fancy zoom folder into your ‘wp-content/plugins’ folder.
- In WordPress administration panels, click on plug-in from the menu.
- You should see your new youtube with fancy zoom plugin listed.
- To turn the WordPress plugin on, click activate.
Method 2
- Go to ‘Add New’ menu under ‘Plugins’ tab in your WordPress admin.
- Search YouTube with fancy zoom plugin using search option.
- Find the plugin and click ‘Install Now’ link.
- Finally click activate plugin link to activate the plugin.
Method 3
- Download the plugin from download link.
- Go to ‘Add New’ menu under ‘Plugins’ tab in your word-press admin.
- Select upload plugin button.
- Upload the available file and click install now.
- Finally click activate plugin link to activate the plugin.
Plugin configuration
Method 1
Drag and Drop the Widget: Go to the Widgets page under the Appearance menu, Drag and drop YouTube with a fancy zoom widget into your sidebar. it’s very easy.
Method 2
Add directly in the theme: Use the below code to add the gallery to your Theme files.
<?php echo do_shortcode( '[youtube-fancy-zoom videoid="0"]' ); ?>
$videoid = 0 : Randomly display any one from the available video (else mention your video id).
Method 3
Add the gallery in the Posts or Pages : Copy and paste the given short code into pages or posts.
[youtube-fancy-zoom videoid="0"]
Admin setting page
In your WordPress administrator section go to the Settings menu and select the YouTube with a fancy menu to configure this plugin.

Title: This is the title text for your YouTube video.
YouTube watch link: This is the YouTube video link.
YouTube code: This is to create a YouTube thumbnail.
If ( this is your YouTube video
then “Vc6V4b4VgOk” this is your YouTube code.
Simply the query string “v” is your YouTube code.
Thumbnail Image link (Your Thumbnail): Put your own thumbnail image link (optional)
To display your own thumbnail image put your image in this field and set Display Image = Your Thumbnail.
Display Image : You can set what image to display at thumbnail using this field.
Your Thumbnail = This will display the image from your given link.
YouTube Thumbnail = This will display the image from YouTube.
Display Status : This is for record display status.
Put this YES always then only the record display at front end.
Sidebar Display: Put this YES always then only the record will display on the widget,
The record contain Sidebar Display = YES will display a widget.
Frequently asked questions
Q1. How to upload my videos to this plugin?
In this plugin, we do not have video upload options. Upload your videos to YouTube and use the YouTube link in this plugin dashboard to show your videos. Use the below navigation link to add your videos to this plugin.
Go to Dashboard >> Settings >> YouTube fancy zoom.
Q2. How to arrange the width of the widget thumbnail image?
For YouTube thumbnail we have two options, small and big. based on your selection this plugin automatically loads your thumbnail images from YouTube.
Q3. What is the YouTube code in the admin video add/edit page?
If ( this is your YouTube video
then “Vc6V4b4VgOk” is your YouTube code.
Q4. What is the title of my video on the admin add/edit page?
Title refers to the video title.
Q5. What is YouTube watch link?
Watch link is the complete YouTube video link
Q6. What is a thumbnail image link?
If you want to user your own thumbnail image use this text filed and enter your image link.
Q7. What is Display Image?
This option is to choose the thumbnail image.
Q8. What is Display Status?
This option is to stop display video on the front end. Only videos that have a display image option YES will display on the front end.
Q9. What is Sidebar Display?
This option is to stop display video on front end sidebar. The only videos that have the display image option YES will display on front end sidebar.
Plugin official page
Download location