Vertically scroll RSS feed WordPress plugin will create the scroll news in the website widget (also in posts/pages). We can provide the RSS feed as an input for this scroll. That is, This plugin reads the given RSS feed and creates the vertical scroll with the RSS feed title. We can use only one RSS feed at a time.
What is RSS? RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated works such as blog entries, news headlines.
Features of this plugin
- Easy installation.
- We can add any RSS feed.
- Easy style-override system.
- Scrolling, so it occupies less space.
Plugin live demo available on this page. You may also be interested in the continuous RSS scrolling WordPress plugin.
Live Demo
Installation Instruction
Option 1
- Download the plugin from the download location.
- Unpack the file.
- Extract the /vertically-scroll-rss-feed/ folder.
- Drop the vertically-scroll-rss-feed folder into your ‘wp-content/plugins’ folder.
- In WordPress administration panels, click on plugin from the menu.
- You should see your new vertical scroll and recent post plugin listed.
- To turn the WordPress plugin on, click activate.
Option 2
- Go to the ‘add new’ menu under ‘plugins’ tab in your WordPress admin.
- Search vertically scroll rss feed plugin using search option.
- Find the plugin and click the ‘Install Now’ link.
- Finally click the activate plugin link to activate the plugin.
Option 3
- Download the plugin from the download location.
- Go to the ‘add new’ menu under ‘plugins’ tab in your WordPress admin.
- Click the upload plugin button.
- Upload the available file and click install now.
- Finally click the activate plugin link to activate the plugin.
Admin setting
Go to settings and Vertically scroll rss menu to change the plugin default configuration.

Plugin configuration
Short Code : Use plugin short code in the posts/pages also in the widget to display the vertical scroll.
Drag and Drop the Widget : Go to widget page under Appearance tab, Drag and drop the Scroll RSS feed widget into your side bar.
Add directly into theme : If you want to use a short code from within a template instead of with the content of a Post/Page? You can add it with a below function
<?php echo do_shortcode("[vertically-scroll-rss-feed]"); ?>
Frequently asked questions
Q1. Can I add more than one RSS feed at the same time?
No, you can add only one RSS feed at a time, this will scroll vertically in the site sidebar.
Q2. Can I change the Slide Direction?
Yes, 0=down-up and 1=up-down.
Q3. Can I customize all the other appearance styles?
Yes, Click on the configure button (small down triangle) for the “Scroll RSS feed” widget and here you can customize all the Announcement front end styles. See screen two.
Q4. Why is my news content out of range?
In the front end widget area, if you see any news content out of the area or invisible, it is because of the height and width of the widget, so you should arrange the width and height of the widget in the widget configuration area. By default I have fixed width: 180px and height: 100px.
Q5. Can I change the scroll manner from vertical to horizontal?
No, This is not possible.
Plugin official page
Download link