Marquee image crawler is a continuous scrolling image module for Joomla. This module crawls the images left or right. Instead of automatic scrolling, the image can optionally be mouse-driven, so the location of the mouse cursor dictates which direction for the image crawl to go and at what speed of the crawl. In the module admin, we have the option to add the image folder location. On the same admin page, we have the option to configure the crawler speed and image crawler window height.
Features of this module
1. Simple and easy installation.
2. Lightweight JavaScript. Hence, render the code faster.
3. Crawls the images left or right. So, Marquee horizontal scroll.
4. Control scrolling direction and speed on mouseover.
5. Image pause option on mouseover.
Live Demo

Module installation instruction
1. Download the Marquee Image Crawler Joomla module from the download location. Select the correct ZIP file depending on your Joomla version.
2. Login into the administrator section of your Joomla site.
3. In the menu, Go to System, Install and then click the Extensions menu.
4. Click Browse and select the module you downloaded, then click Upload & Install the module.
5. When your Joomla module has been uploaded and installed successfully, you will see a confirmation message.

Creating a new module instance
In your Joomla admin go to the Site Modules (System, Manage in your admin dashboard). You should see the module Marquee Image Crawler listed among the others. Simply click on the module name to open the module editor.
If you cannot find an instance of your new module, click the new button. The new module should be listed among the types available, select Marquee Image Crawler which will create a new instance.
Module configuration
In your Joomla administrator section go to the Site Modules (System, Manage in your admin dashboard) and select the Marquee Image Crawler module from the list then click the Module tab to add/update scroll configuration.

Frequently asked questions
Q1. How to upload images?
In the module admin, we have the option to update the images folder location, upload the images via FTP to your server and use the image folder location in the module admin. and this module loads the image directly from the location.
Q2. How to change the image size?
This module supports a responsive option. thus, no need to enter the width of the marquee. however, we have the option to change the window height in the admin.
Q3. How to disable the image temporarily from the display?
No option is available in the admin. the only option is to delete the image from the server via your FTP.
Q4. Is this module uses a jQuery script?
No, the module is using simple JavaScript, and that file you can find in the module folder.
Q5. How to show the image description below the image scroll?
No option is available to show the image title or description in the front end. However, we have other modules on this website to show picture descriptions.
Q6. How to set up the random image in the crawler?
Default this plugin display the images in random order, in the next release we will add more admin option to change the display order.
Module official page
Module download location
Joomla Page