RSS marquee is a simple module to scroll the RSS feed title on the Joomla website. This module simply reads the given RSS feed and displays the title with a simple HTML marquee (scroll) in the selected location. No jQuery and JavaScript are used to scroll the text. We can use this module to display the latest news feed from the other website. No coding knowledge is required to set up this module, just follow this article, step by step to configure the module.
Feature of this module
- Easy to customize.
- Easy styles override option.
- Configurable scroll amount.
- Option to update scroll delay.
- Option to update the scroll direction.
- Option to pause the scroll on mouse over.
Module live demo available in this page. You may also be Interested in RSS title slider Joomla module.
Live Demo
Module installation instruction
1. Download the RSS marquee Joomla module from the download location. Select the correct ZIP file depends on your Joomla version.
2. Login into the administrator section of your Joomla site.
3. In the menu, Go to System, Install and then click the Extensions menu.
4. Click Browse and select the module you downloaded, then click Upload & Install button.
5. When your Joomla module has been uploaded and installed successfully, you will see a confirmation message.
Admin screen for Joomla 3.7

Admin screen for Joomla 4.0

Creating a new module instance
In your Joomla admin go to the Site Modules (System, Manage in your admin menu). You should see the module RSS marquee listed among the others. Simply click on the module name to open the module editor.
If you cannot find an instance of your new module, click the new button. The new module should be listed among the types available, select RSS marquee which will create a new instance.
Module configuration
in your administrator section go to Manage, Site Modules, and then select RSS marquee module.
RSS Marquee

Set up the module parameters
RSS link: Enter the RSS feed which you want to display on your website
Scroll amount: This property is for scroll amount.
Scroll delay: This property is for scroll delay.
Direction: Select the direction in which you want to scroll the text.
Style: Here we can type the HTML CSS style.
Frequently asked questions
Q1. Is possible to update the scrolling speed?
Yes, the Option is available in the module parameter, Update Scroll Delay value.
Q2. Is possible to update the scrolling direction?
Yes, Option available in the module parameter, select Direction value.
Q3. Is possible to update the scrolling text style?
Yes, Option available in the module parameter, Update the Style text-box value from the module admin.
Module official page
Download location